GLWC: Transforming knowledge into action to achieve living wages

The GLWC is a unique knowledge-action partnership working to enable collaborative action to achieve a decent standard of living for working people and their families worldwide. The Coalition sees research, practice-based learning, and collaborative action as essential for achieving this ambition.

As a knowledge-action partnership, the GLWC believes that research on living wages and action to advance wages reinforce each other. Join us as we discuss bringing a knowledge-action partnership to life, what this has looked like during the GLWC’s first 10 years and how it is evolving as we look ahead to the next.

In this session, we will:

  • Emphasise the Anker methodology and how it aligns with best principles.
  • Explore what it means to run an action-oriented research program and why this orientation is critical.
  • Learn how GLWC Action Network (AN) members are taking research-based action toward living wages
  • Discuss what knowledge is still needed to enable action toward large-scale wage improvements.