FAQs: Global Sustainability Symposium 2024

Q. What’s happening during Symposium? 

You can access the agenda for the Symposium here.  


Q. Are there going to be breakout sessions? Where can I find information about them? 

Yes, there will be breakfast sessions in the morning and more breakout sessions in the afternoon too, as well as the opportunity to join topic tables at lunchtime. Please explore the agenda to find out more.

Please note that only in-person attendees will be able to join breakout sessions. These are not available via livestream.


Q. How can I register for the Symposium 

Registrations are open now. You can find registration forms for both in-person and livestream places here. Once we receive your registration we will send you next steps via email.  


Q. Can I register at the event? 

Please do not come to the event without registering for the event during the registration period. If you miss the registration period, please email events@isealalliance.org, and our team will do their best to help you. But please do not attend without a valid ticket.  


Q. I need a visa to travel to Switzerland. Can ISEAL support my application?  

If you require a visa to travel to Germany, please contact Sofia or Natalia on events@isealalliance.org. They will be able to support your visa application for this event.  


Q. Is there a preferred accommodation I can book? 

There are several choices for accommodation close to the venue where the event will take place. If you would like us to send you a list of the closest hotels, please email us on events@isealalliance.org.  


Q. I have special accessibility needs/dietary requirements; can you accommodate me? 

Please email events@isealalliance.org with further information and our team will be able to assist you. 


Q. Will this be a hybrid event? 

We know not everyone will be able to attend the ISEAL Global Sustainability Symposium in person, so we intend to livestream the event in order to make this event more accessible for everyone. Only the plenary sessions will be livestreamed, not the breakout rooms. All online attendees will be able to answer the polls and write in the chat.  

Livestream registrations are now open. 


Q. Why did you choose Switzerland? 

The last Global Sustainability Symposium in 2020, which was cancelled due to Covid, was due to take place in Switzerland. We’re therefore re-starting where it was paused and hosting the event in Switzerland.   


Q. What about the environmental impact of holding an in-person event? 

Holding an in-person event undeniably has a greater environmental footprint than an online event, especially with an international audience. We have evaluated the pros and cons of this approach and, while most of ISEAL’s event programme remains online, we believe the benefits of providing an opportunity for you to come together in person outweigh the disadvantages. 

With that said, we are committed to reducing the environmental impact of the ISEAL Global Sustainability Symposium as much as we can. The event will be organised according to ISEAL’s Event Sustainability policy, and we welcome suggestions for how we can reduce waste and minimise our carbon footprint. 


Q. Are you using an event app?

We are using an app called Swapcard for the event. You will be invited to join the app when you register. We recommend that everyone who attends the event in person downloads the app on their phone for quicker access to all updates and polls shared during the sessions.  

Anyone attending online will access the livestream via Swapcard.