Conference partnership opportunities

Partner with us at the conference

The ISEAL audience is serious minded, trends focused, and looking for ideas of how to make their organisations more efficient, innovative and collaborative. At the annual conference, now in its 9th year, we have hundreds of attendees from across the globe. The majority have more than a decade of experience in their sectors, which span agriculture, textiles, oil, gas, mining, water, consumer goods, information technology, infrastructure, hospitality, healthcare and many more.

Looking to expand the reach of your business with sustainability standards leadership?

The conference accesses a growing global community of technically-savvy, globally focused, senior standard-setting and certification leaders, and their partner companies who are leading the way in responsible business. ISEAL is connected to these executives through more than 3,000 Twitter followers, 1,300 LinkedIn followers, and 300,000 annual unique web page views. The vast majority of participants are CEOs or members of senior leadership teams and/or heads of departments who are forging partnerships and making decisions on which investments can transform their respective sectors. The event is the major place where all the certification and standards leaders, and their partners, come together in one venue.

Our sponsors and partners

ISEAL and the Global Sustainability Standards Conference would not be effective without the support of our dedicated sponsors and partners. For more information, write to us at