In this webinar, Patrick Mallet, Director of Innovations at ISEAL, presents the newest approaches to data and other tools to build trust in supply chains.
This webinar shows how a focus on data and information management in assurance can improve both the effectiveness of the assurance process and the value of that process for certifying enterprise, supply chain actors and the scheme owners themselves.
ISEAL is convening a working group of landscape and jurisdictional practitioners who are acting to improve landscape performance measurement. 
ISEAL has produced a package of tools and guidance on the power of polygon data and how sustainability systems can collect it.
“You can’t manage what you can’t measure,” runs the old business adage. Conversely, good metrics and data can help you make better management decisions, develop effective strategies and monitor progress.
Polygon data can provide huge benefits to sustainability systems if collected and used effectively. Recognising this, we have produced a package of tools and guidance on the benefits of polygon data and how to collect it.