In recent years, we’ve seen a growing interest from sustainability systems in tackling gender inequalities through their schemes. A 2022 ISEAL-CGIAR Gender Equality Initiative scoping study tried to understand how some of ISEAL's Community Members are integrating gender into their schemes. It highlighted the important role systems can play in reducing gender inequalities and improving women's empowerment.
A conversation with Danielle Burt on the Gender Equality and Empowerment Benchmark developed by the World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA). Sanjiv Singh (ASI), Chris Grieve (EDGE Certification) and Magali Barraja (BSR), on the discussion panel, will share their thoughts on this initiative.
Rainforest Alliance reports on and receives feedback for their public consultation on the new sustainable agriculture standard.
Sustainability systems have a role in setting gender responsive standards to meet sustainability goals.