What is the role that standards systems play in changing the practices of certified entities? How effective are standards systems in driving change in practices over time? This webinar explores these questions and delves into the findings of a new research review conducted by the University of Oxford and 3Keel consultants.
In this webinar, Equitable Origin shares the insights gained and outputs generated from a ten month project funded by the ISEAL Innovations Fund to explore how FPIC processes could be better monitored and verified. The right to free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) is a key principle of international human rights law.
This webinar provided an opportunity for those working in the palm oil sector in Asia, including on the demand side, to hear about ongoing efforts in China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore that are strengthening demand for sustainable palm oil such as youth engagement, industry platforms, and company rankings.
Funded by the Ford Foundation, the Demonstrating and Improving Poverty Impacts Project (DIPI) seeks to understand the contribution that certification systems can make to poverty alleviation and pro-poor development.