ISEAL’s 2021 Annual Report reflects on the year’s most significant developments and achievements to support credible practices. Download a pdf of the report.
ISEAL's Annual Report 2022 reflects on the year’s most significant developments and achievements to support credible practices, together with the financial statements for the year ended December 2022. ISEAL's Annual Review 2022 summarises key achievements from the Annual Report.
Use this template to complete your Compliance Checklist for the ISEAL Assurance Code of Good Practice Version 2.0
Use this template to complete your Compliance Checklist for the ISEAL Standard-Setting Code of Good Practice Version 6.0
Use this template to complete your Compliance Checklist for the ISEAL Impacts Code of Good Practice Version 2.0
ISEAL Board and Committee members and ISEAL staff should conduct themselves at all times in accordance with good professional judgement for the benefit of ISEAL and in such manner as to not create a conflict of interest or appearance of such conflict.
Frequently asked questions about the ISEAL Code of Good Practice for Sustainability Systems
In 2019, ISEAL carried out a review of the Standard-Setting and Impacts Codes. Through the review, ISEAL gathered information regarding the usability of the Codes, their effectiveness in delivering against their objectives, as well as their scope and objectives. This document details the activities carried out as part of the review and the findings.
The framework can help sustainability standards and other sustainability initiatives navigate the types and intensity of collaboration and interoperability using the metals, minerals and mining sectors as examples.
Version 2 of the ISEAL Code of Good Practice for Assuring Compliance with Social and Environmental Standards, published February 2018.
This document outlines the requirements ISEAL standard-setting community members need to fulfil to reach Code Compliant status. 
This is the latest version (version 4, December 2015) of the procedure describing the development and revision process for ISEAL's Codes of Good Practice.
This document contains the agreed version of the ISEAL Code (v1.0). Following recommendation for by the ISEAL Technical Committee, this was approved by the ISEAL Board on 29 November 2023. When reviewed alongside the summary of feedback received during the consultation period, it demonstrates the result of how input during the consultation has been taken into account.
This document outlines the project to revise and integrate the ISEAL Codes of Good Practice into a single holistic ISEAL Code of Good Practice during the course of 2022-23.
ISEAL is seeking qualified individuals to join the ISEAL Code of Good Practice Steering Group. Successful candidates will support ISEAL’s mission and values, have experience with ISEAL’s credibility tools, and represent a diversity of stakeholders in various geographies. The Steering Group Terms of Reference set out the role and responsibilities of Steering Group members. 
These terms of reference cover the formation, responsibilities, aims and operation of the Steering Group with respect to the revision of the requirements of the ISEAL Codes of Good Practice and the integration of these requirements into one holistic Code of Good Practice.
The ISEAL Complaints Procedure outlines how stakeholders can report concerns about members’ adherence to ISEAL Community Member Requirements, ISEAL Code Compliant Requirements, and ISEAL Accreditation Member Requirements, and how ISEAL will work with stakeholders and members to resolve complaints.
This guidance developed by ISEAL on Chain of Custody (CoC) System is a reference document for sustainability standards systems that complements ISEAL's Sustainability Claims Good Practice Guide.
The Impacts Code of Good Practice, for Assessing the Impacts of Social and Environmental Systems.
Interpretation of the clause 6.4.3 on recognition of existing standards.
The latest version (version 6, revised in December 2014) of the ISEAL Standard-Setting Code of Good Practice, for Setting Social and Environmental Standards.
An introduction to ISEAL’s Finance Committee, which was established in 2006 to oversee all issues related to the financial management of ISEAL. The Committee reviews for example ISEAL’s quarterly accounts, annual budgets and other issues related to ISEAL’s financial reporting and performance.
An introduction to the Membership Committee, a permanent committee of the ISEAL Board of Directors that is responsible primarily for forming recommendations on new membership applications, deciding on member disputes that may arise as a result of an independent evaluation of Code Compliance, and deciding on appeals decisions of the Secretariat not to recommend ISEAL Community Member status or to suspend or withdraw Code Compliant status.
In 2019, we launched a review of the principles to find out how they have been used and adopted. The outcome of the review will decide whether the principles need to be revised to adapt to new international frameworks and norms, changing stakeholder expectations or innovations in sustainability tools, and, if so, the scope of the revision. This document contains information about the review objectives, process and opportunities for involvement.
In 2019, ISEAL launched a review of both the Impacts Code and Standard-Setting Code. The results of the review will inform the revision of the codes in 2020. This document contains information about the review objectives, process and opportunities for involvement.