In 2016, nine ISEAL members came together to form the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Coalition. The coalition aims to reduce and eventually eliminate the use of highly hazardous pesticides, and to promote more sustainable alternatives. It also aims to harmonise approaches to pesticides between ISEAL member standards.
The Landscape Monitoring Framework of the socio-economic dimension (LMS) is a tool that provides practical guidance to assess the socio-economic status of a landscape to monitor progress and facilitates action for development. The LMS targets the stakeholders of the landscape initiative, and in particular the initiators of the initiative, as the main user group.
A matrix of indicators for use with farm owners and when using the ODK Mobile App, as part of the Blueprint Project. 
Best known as the technology behind cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, blockchain is set to revolutionise many areas of life and work over the coming years.