Download the notes from the Inclusion & empowerment breakout session at the ISEAL Global Sustainability Symposium 2024.
In 2016, nine ISEAL members came together to form the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Coalition. The coalition aims to reduce and eventually eliminate the use of highly hazardous pesticides, and to promote more sustainable alternatives. It also aims to harmonise approaches to pesticides between ISEAL member standards.
Joining ISEAL’s learning community helps sustainability systems become more effective at achieving positive impacts.
Polygon data can provide huge benefits to sustainability systems if collected and used effectively. Recognising this, we have produced a package of tools and guidance on the benefits of polygon data and how to collect it.
The Challenge the Label webpage is a tool to help buyers understand sustainability claims and how to dig deeper into the claims they encounter.
Expand the reach of your business with sustainability standards leadership
ISEAL and its members have worked closely with partners and policymakers to enhance understanding of the role of credible systems and certification within EU regulation, and how an effective policy can build on them.