Sustainability News Archive

The Covid pandemic has had a profound impact on women across all dimensions of economic and social activity, finds briefing paper. From shifting…
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The pandemic forced sustainability systems to adapt to the reality that on-site audits could not be performed easily – or at all. This drove many to…
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What should companies do to tackle global deforestation? And how should governments regulate company action? As a lively policy debate gains momentum…
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Join ISEAL and Evidensia in a webinar series where we explore ISEAL’s newly revised Credibility Principles. The ISEAL Credibility Principles define…
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June 2021 marks the ten-year anniversary of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Adoption of the Principles was a landmark moment…
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From mitigating and adapting to climate change, to addressing human rights’ abuses in supply chains, to contributing to the UN Sustainable…
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We often talk about system-level change to address root causes of poverty and imbalance of risk. This requires us to unite in different and creative…
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Demand for increased transparency has been the topic of many conversations over the past few years. It has been highlighted by governments, in the UN…
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We work to accelerate positive change by improving the impacts of ambitious sustainability systems and their partners. Read the latest annual report…
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There is ‘scant evidence of positive outcomes [on deforestation] for all approaches except voluntary standards systems’.   This was the…
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With our new strategy, we’re aiming to increase our impact in tackling the biggest sustainability challenges of our time. With less than 10 years…
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Assurance professionals are working together to develop good practice guidance for remote auditing, with the goal of keeping supply chains…
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As companies invest in scalable solutions for meeting sustainability commitments, many initiatives and standards are looking at how they can support…
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As the European Union considers legislation to address supply chain deforestation later this year, we reflect on how standards and similar systems…
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The launch of ISEAL’s new membership structure marks a focus on a wider range of sustainability systems and offers new and enhanced products. We’re…
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“You can’t manage what you can’t measure,” runs the old business adage. Conversely, good metrics and data can help you make better management…
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The Round Table on Responsible Soy Association (RTRS) enters the ISEAL membership having met the new ISEAL Community Member Requirements.  The…
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The Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) has met the new ISEAL Community Member Requirements. They join the Round Table on…
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While the concept of jurisdictional sustainability continues to gain momentum, the question of how to best monitor and credibly communicate…
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ISEAL will adopt a new four-year strategy from 2021. The strategy is designed to provide a clear path for us to deliver on our vision of creating a…
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ISEAL has rebranded to recognise the broadening of its membership. The refreshed brand reflects the evolution of ISEAL and marks a renewed focus on a…
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The global ambition to solve sustainability challenges is growing. In response, standards have evolved and so has ISEAL: we have a new membership…
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Public and private sector stakeholders are increasingly looking to voluntary standards as one of the key tools to deliver their sustainability goals…
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ISEAL has produced a package of tools and guidance on the power of polygon data and how sustainability systems can collect it. Polygon data can…
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With a shift towards outcome-focused sustainability standards and measurement, ISEAL commissioned 3Keel to review different metrics for monitoring…
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Our 2019 Annual Report recognises the importance of collaboration to drive change and improvement. This was demonstrated through our members work…
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We are delighted to announce that our new membership structure will launch in November. The change in structure will allow us to better…
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A new round of funding awarded in April supports six new projects through ‘landscape grants’. Each project will test fresh approaches to increase the…
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The recently released UN 2020 Sustainable Development Goals Report makes clear that there is a long way to go before the global goals are achieved.…
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MSI Integrity has published a report that investigates how effective Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives (MSIs) are at protecting human rights. This is an…
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Ensuring resilient livelihoods and sustained employment for vulnerable communities was already a stretch pre-Covid-19. For those communities lacking…
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The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2020 launched in early July finds growing food insecurity, deterioration of the natural environment, and…
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At a time when living income for farmers is a key issue for governments, civil society and industry, the Living Income Community of Practice (LICOP)…
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Today we find ourselves in one of the most disruptive times in modern history.  Around the globe, sustainability organisations and…
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ISEAL’s Credibility Principles have helped businesses, policy makers and standards developers define and identify good practice for sustainability…
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Join ISEAL’s consultation on how best to support credible monitoring and communication of progress at a landscape or jurisdictional scale. Until 15…
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Sustainability standards from the mining, minerals and metals (MMM) sector are working together to increase the effectiveness, efficiency and impact…
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MarinTrust, independent business to business certification programme for the marine ingredient value chain, has been accepted as a full member of…
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If the UN Sustainable Development Goals are to be achieved by 2030, then immediate and urgent action is needed to transform global production systems…
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Everyone has the right to a living income. Yet, as we move into a new decade, there are still around 500 million smallholder farming households…
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With companies exploring scalable solutions to meet their sustainability commitments in a post-2020 world, ISEAL and its partners are looking at how…
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As we enter 2020, one big question is whether the European Union will bring in legislation on corporate human rights and environmental due diligence…
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ISEAL recently published the final report from a three-year study that assesses the early impacts of the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) on…
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How can we claim a product is sustainable if the farmers producing its ingredients are not earning enough for a decent standard of living? As we…
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ISEAL members and subscribers demonstrated a range of tools and innovations designed to increase the impacts of sustainability standards, during…
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As sustainability professionals, we often ask ourselves what works: What works to address deforestation? What works to improve farmer incomes? What…
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As companies and governments seek effective solutions to meet their sustainability goals, the importance of credible and robust benchmarking is…
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The ISEAL Innovations Fund empowers standards systems to practically test their innovations, and is pleased to announce a new round of funding…
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Gold Standard has met the entry-level criteria of each of the three ISEAL Codes of Good Practice – Standard-Setting, Assurance and Impacts – to…
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ISEAL announces the Sustainable Eel Group (SEG) as associate member. SEG joins as an organisation whose system meets ISEAL’s entry level criteria.…
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